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德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学Gerhard Ziegmann教授学术报告预告

发布时间:2011-09-13    作者:    来源:     浏览次数:    打印


报告题目: 纤维加强复合材料在航空领域的应用与研究进展

报告时间: 2011年9月14 星期三 15:00-17:00

报告地点: 新前101

报 告 人: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ziegmann

           Institute of Polymer Materials and Plastics Engineering,

           Clausthal University of Technology, Germany

报告语言: English


摘 要




Prof. Gerhard Ziegmann studied mechanical engineering with a focus on plastics technology at the RWTH Aachen University. After finishing his studies in 1974, he was a scientific coworker at the Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV) at the RWTH Aachen University under the guidance of Prof. Menges. There he received his doctorate with the title of “Temperature Resistant Plastic Materials – Manufacturing, Structure and Properties for Selected Polymers.”

 After completing his doctorate he went on to work at Dornier, Friedrichshafen, where Dr. Ziegmann developed new composite systems for aircraft construction as well as novel construction methods for the DO 228, DO 328 and the Airbus A320. Furthermore, he implemented a material qualification system. Having worked at Dornier for six years, he became the chief managing engineer for the department of aramid and carbon fibre applications at AKZO in Wuppertal. During that time, these new fibre systems were successfully qualified and used by various aircraft companies in different programs. Additionally, the company’s application laboratory was audited by different aircraft manufacturers on several occasions and accepted as a qualified laboratory.

In 1990 Dr. Ziegmann took employment at the ETH Zürich where he established the construction laboratory for new lightweight concept materials at the Institute of Construction and Construction Methods (IKB) under the guidance of Prof. Flemming.

Dr. Ziegmann was granted his professorship at the Technical University of Clausthal in plastics engineering in 1998. There he founded the Institute of Polymer Materials and Plastics Engineering (PuK) and established the course of studies “Plastic Engineering” in the department of Natural and Material Science.

Dr. Ziegmann is a member of the executive board of both the CZM (Clausthal Centre of Material Technology) and the ZeMPro (Centre of Microproduction e.V.).

His Granted Projects are financed by various foundations (DFG, AiF, BMBF, FNR) and industry companies (Airbus, VW, Bosch, Siemens etc.) over 10 million Euros.


联系人:蒋炳炎 13873182288 jby@csu.edu.cn

                 李淼磊 15200869918 lmlsghtz@csu.edu.cn

